Saturday, April 5, 2014

Montgomery Co. throws WMATA under the bus again

Look out, WMATA! Montgomery County is trying to throw you under the bus again! (Excuse the pun.)

In July of last year Roger Berliner, Montgomery County MD councilman, tried to throw WMATA under the bus by saying: “The notion that you (WMATA) have no less responsibility than our county does with respect to the current state of affairs is something where we would need to understand how you could take that posture."

Mr. Berliner's Baseless Self Serving Statement (BSSS or BScubed) is absurd, of course, because the Silver Spring Transit Center is Montgomery County's project, and it's Montgomery County's responsibility to inspect and approve all construction in Montgomery County. 

Now, Montgomery County is trying to throw WMATA under the bus again. 

"The county builds projects such as libraries, police and fire stations, and recreation centers very well, but it tends to run into trouble when it tries to address unusual projects in the usual ways, said David Dise, director of the county’s Department of General Services."

"...unusual project..." 

It's your fault, WMATA. 

On a serious note, it doesn't say much for Montgomery County for them to admit that they are incapable of handling "unusual" projects. It just raises more questions that the news media (print, TV, radio, internet) won't ask:

  • If Montgomery County can't handle "unusual" projects, then why did Montgomery County take on the SSTC, at taxpayer expense, in the first place? 
  • Why did Montgomery County take on construction management for the SSTC, assigning a team of full time County employees to it? 
  • How does Montgomery County define an "unusual" project? Is a skyscraper an "unusual" project? Silver Spring, Bethesda, Chevy Chase, Rockville, etc. have plenty of skyscrapers. I wouldn't want to be working or living in one of them knowing that Montgomery County can't handle construction inspection for "unusual" projects.
Among other concerns, taxpayers should be concerned that millions in public funds (local, state, federal) have been wasted because Montgomery County can't handle construction management and construction inspection for "unusual" projects.

And, on a final note, the same guy who is saying that Montgomery County can't do "unusual" projects is widely quoted as saying "The SSTC will absolutely be safe."  

  • Are you ready to "take to the bank" his Baseless Self Serving Statement (BSSS or BScubed) that "the SSTC will absolutely be safe" knowing that Montgomery County can't handle "unusual" projects?
You can't have it both ways, Montgomery County. If the SSTC is so "unusual" that it's beyond your expertise, then you shouldn't be making Baseless Self Serving Statements like "the SSTC will absolutely be safe".

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